Monday, September 29, 2008

mileage increase and the importance of the right shoes

THere is the slightest of knee pain occasionally, but I ran 8 1/2 miles this Sat without a prob (was going to do 9, but ran out of time because I woke up late). The last time I was up this high I had two knee braces on, because I was in the WRONG shoes. Now, let me start off by saying a running store did put me in these shoes, but did not do a great analysis. They had me in stability shoes when I should have been in Neutral Cushioning shoes. SO really make sure if you get an analysis at a running store that you get a recommendation from another happy customer. I ended up in physical therapy for my knees because of these shoes.

THere is a test you can do on your own called the Paper Bag Test. There is a great link to an article about finding the right shoes here:

My new fave running store!

So, if you live in the Monmouth County NJ area, Road Runner Sports is in Shrewsbury and is so great! They have a wonderful, user friendly website also:
where you can look for a location near you. They have a high tech way of finding the right shoe for you. Also, if you join their VIP program for $20, you get 10% off every purchase, unconditional TWO MONTH return policy on shoes, and every 5 pairs of shoes bought in a year gets you a free pair (up to $100)! I also saved another 10% because I belong to a local gym. So in my first visit the amt I saved paid for the membership. And I did have to take the shoes back and it was no problem. Oh, and the 5 shoes thing applies to shoes for family as well (because I will never go through 5 shoes in a year, but my husband and I will).

I joined the VIP for the two month return policy alone. Over the years there were plenty of times that after a few weeks even a month I realized I didnt like my shoes, but usually after about a week and/or once you wore shoes outside you cannot return them. So this was a bonus for me.

So check out this place, they are really great!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


I love spin class! Nothing like getting all the exercise out of the way early Sunday morning. I did back and biceps for a 1/2 hour before spin, then spin for 45 min, then abs for 1/2 hour and then another 20 minutes of cardio.....I am a maniac. But I am slightly bloated (A.F.). Went to the beach then finally relaxed this weekend! I actually look forward to my long workouts in the weekend.....I hate having to rush like I do when I workout during the week (in the a.m.).

Monday, August 11, 2008

moving helps you lose weight

So I put on the marriage 10 (like the freshman 15 but way harder to take off because Im not 18 anymore). I have been killing myself to lose it for at least 6 months. A pound or two would come off then right back on. Sooooo with moving and going up and down 3 flights of stairs at the old place about 70 times a day bringing stuff to the new place..and painting...and yardwork, etc. I have lost about 8 lbs! Also cut out alcohol during the week (unless Im out to dinner), and not having as much time to snack....I am so thrilled. I fit into pants and clothes that I almost donated because they havent fit me in 2 years or so. I was convinced they were shrunk by the dryer. I am motivated to keep it off by my progress. And how hard it is to lose weight. I used to just be able to exercise it all away...but once I was in my 30s it is not so easy. Just wanted to say sometimes skinnybitches gain weight too...and get upset about it. And it is just as much a struggle for a thin person to keep off weight. I hate when people see me and just assume that I sit around eating bon bons all day thanking my lucky stars that I am skinny and dont have to do a thing about it. It is really hard work staying in shape. Just to let you know

Ive been so busy!

So we just bought a new house and that is why I have been MIA...updating the blog is not a priority right now. So wanted to update with a picture from my last race...The Parker House 2 mile fun run and beer party. It was a lot of fun and we got two shirts (sweatshirt and long sleeved T) and I ran my fastest mile ever...I finished 2 miles in 15:38...I could barely believe my eyes when I got close enough to see the clock. What a great feeling. I probably owe it to my husband who runs very fast (his leisurely pace) and I have been going on some short runs with him. I guess it helped. This picture was from the very end of the race...I was sprinting hard once I could see the finish. Look at the agony on my worth it at the finish line though! I was initially hoping to beat 18 min...never guessing that I would run in less than 16!

Monday, May 26, 2008

after 3 weeks off

So I am HATING not running! I took 3 weeks off and I think my knees are finally OK---I went to a sports medicine doc. and I still have a slight prob with them...Im going to go to PT but I started running again verrry slowly. I havent done more than 2 miles---so bumming...but I got the Nike Plus and LOVE IT! I really hope to do a 1/2 marathon in Oct, but if I cant I will try for the spring. My sister calls me Forrest Gump...if my body would just let me I think I could just run forever!!!

my race!

So we ran the Jersey Shore Relay in was my first race, and what a great time!!!! Our team was wonderful and we ran our legs and the last leg together so I did a total of 9.4 miles! We came in as a team under 16 min of our projected time. There was a big party at the end, with food and beer! We raised $1100 bucks for Special Olympics. I had to take 3 weeks off and I am getting physical therapy...I overtrained...I will be smarter the next time.